We sometimes get asked if VitalChurch Ministry has church consultants on our staff who can offer an outside perspective to a struggling church. While a lot of what we do can be considered “consulting,” we don’t tend to call ourselves consultants. There are a lot of reasons for this, and in this blog …
The Benefits of a Full-time Interim Pastor—Beyond Just Having a Consistent Preacher
There seem to be a lot of similarities among churches who suddenly lose their lead pastor. In the early days, many churches will bring in guest pastors or utilize associate pastors or other church leaders to preach the Sunday sermons. However, they soon realize that their church needs more than just …
Intentional Interim Pastors That Do More Than Just “Fill the Gap”
In times of crisis, people can often make rash decisions that they likely wouldn’t make under normal circumstances. Church leaders aren’t exempt from this, unfortunately. While most church leaders would like to think that in a time of uncertainty—like when their church is without a lead pastor—they …