VitalChurch Ministry serves a variety of churches that are in a biblical orthodox tradition and that honor Jesus as the center of its purpose and hope. It is our desire to build our team in order to serve and revitalize more churches more effectively.
Intentional Interim Pastors
We consider seven “C”s to assess whether people will serve well in this specialized ministry:
- Calling – what you’re made to do, not just a job you’re paid to do
- Character – exhibits integrity, honesty, reliability, responsibility
- Competence – has abilities that are rooted in quality training and experience
- Chemistry – values teamwork
- Collaboration – facilitates and empowers others to work together well
- Contribution – listens, learns, initiates, and implements to foster godly growth and gain
- Cultural Adaptability – possesses an awareness of and respect for cultural differences
Those looking to serve with VitalChurch need to be theologically rooted and Christ-centered.
Our intentional interim pastors are gifted leaders, facilitators and change agents who love the Church and value serving as a team. The need for high-quality church assessment that is data and discernment driven is growing. So is the need for pastors who are called and trained to serve churches in complicated leadership transition seasons. People who love the Church, and who value teamwork, collaboration, and shared learning will find VitalChurch a good fit. If that sounds like you, please apply here.