It’s our mission to help churches thrive by cultivating clarity, purpose, and hope.
It’s our vision that churches display the redemptive love of Jesus for the glory of God and the good of others through 5 targeted outcomes:
- Gospel values embedded
- Gifted leaders empowered
- Effective governance established
- Compelling mission embraced
- Discipleship pathways engaged
Our vision is to see many more churches large and small operating in unity and effectiveness, through a movement of the gospel, and changing the spiritual landscape for good
At the core of a revitalized church is intimacy with Christ. Our interim pastors help a church get to (or get back to) a place of intimacy. From that intimacy, we believe a natural outpouring will be that the congregation will begin to actively engage in their communities with the gospel message, because what people cherish and value, they will want to commend to others (Psalm 67: 1-3).
During their time in a church, our experienced interim pastors also look to resolve any areas of conflict. They take the time to discover the real issues within the church (not just the presenting issues), and they facilitate reconciliation among congregation members and leadership when needed.
On a more practical level, we help churches get their systems in order. This could mean establishing written policies and procedures, clarifying the roles of staff and elders, or implementing any other needed organizational changes.
Facilitating a Smooth Transition
During the entire interim pastor period, we encourage the congregation to look forward to the church’s next season of ministry. We help them discover who God is calling them to be as a church and then look for a new permanent pastor who shares their mission and vision.
As our time in a church comes to a close, we work closely with the incoming lead pastor to facilitate a smooth transition of leadership. We also offer follow-up coaching and consulting after the interim pastor period has concluded.