At one time or another, almost every church will find itself without a senior pastor. During these times of transition, many churches turn to interim pastors to shepherd their congregation until a new lead pastor can be called. But what makes an effective interim pastor? At VitalChurch Ministry, …
VitalChurch Interim Pastor Story: Seattle Church Revitalized After Loss of Lead Pastor
We wanted to share a story about a church in Seattle in which one of our interim pastors is working, in order to give you a better idea about the VitalChurch process of revitalization and the outcomes that can be achieved when a church engages with VitalChurch. VitalChurch was approached in late …
Welcome to the VitalChurch Ministry Website
We are very pleased to announce the launch of our new website developed by Modmacro. The new website corresponds with the new name of our organization: VitalChurch Ministry. Previously, our organization was called reTURN, and operated as a ministry of Church Resource Ministries (CRM). We continue …