This is a question that should be asked much more often than it actually is. Churches often mistakenly think that the best route after a lead pastor leaves is to promote a pastor who is already on staff to the vacant position. On the surface, this seems to make sense. There will be little or no …
Sacramento Interim Pastors for Churches in Transition or Crisis
When a church finds itself in a time of transition or crisis, it can often be difficult to know where to turn. These types of situations often occur when a lead pastor suddenly leaves, is asked to leave, passes away, or becomes too ill to continue in his position. Sometimes, there is a staff or …
Interim Pastors for Corona, Ca Churches in Transition or Crisis
Just like the people in them, churches go through difficult times. For example, a lead pastor may suddenly leave, be let go, or pass away unexpectedly. Conflict may arise among church leaders or congregation members that can’t be easily resolved, or sometimes a church simply loses its way. In any of …