The world is in an uproar. An unseen enemy, known as Covid-19, has brought our planet to its knees. World leadership is being tested. At VitalChurch, leadership in difficult times is our normal. So how do our interim pastors lead in times of crisis? The following are nine leadership principles that …
Do We Need an Interim Pastor if We Have Someone We Can Promote from Within?
This is a question that should be asked much more often than it actually is. Churches often mistakenly think that the best route after a lead pastor leaves is to promote a pastor who is already on staff to the vacant position. On the surface, this seems to make sense. There will be little or no …
Sacramento Interim Pastors for Churches in Transition or Crisis
When a church finds itself in a time of transition or crisis, it can often be difficult to know where to turn. These types of situations often occur when a lead pastor suddenly leaves, is asked to leave, passes away, or becomes too ill to continue in his position. Sometimes, there is a staff or …