If you follow this blog or are on our email list, you probably heard about our year-end fundraising campaign. To end the year 2020, we were looking to raise $25,000 for our Compassion Grant Fund, which directly supports churches who need the services that VitalChurch provides, but are unable to …
What Is an Interim Pastor?
As our team travels the country working with churches, we’ve found that not everyone has the same idea of what an interim pastor is and does. Of course, they have a general idea, just based on the name, but there are some variations on the types of pastors who serve in churches without a permanent …
Year-End Giving Campaign for VitalChurch Ministry’s Compassion Grant Fund
DONATE VitalChurch Ministry is excited to announce the launch of our 2020 year-end giving campaign! As a nonprofit organization, we rely on the generosity of donors to help fund our organization and ask that you prayerfully consider a year-end donation to VitalChurch. The majority of the …