As VitalChurch Ministry continues to reach more churches in need, we have been growing our team in response. More interim pastors have been hired and trained and sent out to churches throughout the country. Our staff and volunteer team have been expanded and people already within the organization …
Why Does a Church Need an Intentional Interim Pastor?
In one of our recent blog posts, we talked about exactly what an intentional interim pastor is, and what it isn’t, according to VitalChurch Ministry. It was a great post for those looking to get a better understanding of interim pastor ministry and how churches can benefit from it. In this blog …
Interim Pastors for Churches in Minnesota Going Through Times of Transition or Crisis
All churches tend to go through different “seasons.” Some churches may be in very fruitful seasons, where they’re seeing many people come to the Lord, great spiritual growth, and effective community and global outreach. At the same time, other churches are struggling. They may be experiencing a …