Last month, VitalChurch Ministry completed a very successful interim pastor training seminar. This three-day event held in Orlando, Florida was attended by 20 individuals from around the country, belonging to various denominations. The seminar was led by two of VitalChurch’s experienced interim …
Interim Pastors for Corona, Ca Churches in Transition or Crisis
Just like the people in them, churches go through difficult times. For example, a lead pastor may suddenly leave, be let go, or pass away unexpectedly. Conflict may arise among church leaders or congregation members that can’t be easily resolved, or sometimes a church simply loses its way. In any of …
VitalChurch UK Obtains Charity Status for Their Church Revitalization Ministry
VitalChurch is excited to announce that the UK chapter of our ministry has officially been granted charity status in the UK! If you recall, we announced last July that VitalChurch had become an independent nonprofit charitable organization in the US, and now our UK division has obtained a similar …