At VitalChurch we work with all types of churches—small, large, rural, urban, and also with churches from many different denominations. Some of the denominations that we have a great working relationship with include the Christian and Missionary Alliance and the Evangelical Presbyterian Churches. …
VitalChurch’s Approach to Transitioning from an Interim Pastor to a New Permanent Senior Pastor
Transitions can be tough. Very few people like change, and those in churches are no different. Hiring an interim pastor can help "soften the blow" when transitioning to a new pastor, but even transitioning from an interim pastor to a new senior pastor can be tough. People get used to a certain style …
If We Like Our Interim Pastor, Can He Stay on and Be Our New Permanent Pastor?
VitalChurch Ministry has placed many interim pastors in churches around the country, and some even in other parts of the world. A VitalChurch interim pastor takes churches through an in-depth process of church revitalization where he helps churches get to the heart of their issues and address them. …